Graft your own / fruit salad tree.

The starting point for the project was the cocktail fruit tin. As human beings we are not often growing our own food especially in order to the limited space in a city. To be able to make a fruit salad we would buy different fruits on the market or even end up with the cocktail in the tin. But would it not be nice to have your own fruit tree garden to just pick what you like?

City life often does not contain enough space to grow plenty of different kind of trees, but how would it be to have one root tree with a variety of fruits? A fruit salad tree placed on the limited space of a balcony? For example: Pears with quince or peach, apricot with almond?

Within my project I explore the possibilities of fruit tree grafting and its fruit converting. The end result is a package of the root tree for grafting, the scions for the different fruits for topworking and a booklet on how to graft the fruit salad tree. On top, this package includes a cookery poster for the tree’s specific recipes. The poster offers ideas relating to these fruits like tried fruits, crystalized fruits up to making ink out of the bark of the sloe tree.

Art Fort Asperen, July 2012